Here in the United States, some cities and states have banned or restricted certain SUPs, and lots of people are changing their habits to avoid using SUP. The enormous effect of single-use plastic on our environment is getting a lot of attention! The European Parliament voted to ban many single-use plastic (SUP) items, increase plastic-bottle recycling requirements, and put more of the responsibility for plastic pollution on the manufacturers. Contributor ‘Becca has a passion for waste reduction, so I asked for her advice on different ways to reduce single-use plastic in areas I was still working on.

I have long been baby stepping my way to reduce plastic use in our family. This post is from KS Contributing Writer ‘Becca Stallings of The Earthling’s Handbook, with photos by her son Nicholas Efran.

Learn how to reduce the use of plastic in your home by banning single-use plastics, using single-use plastic alternatives, and repurposing single-use plastic. How to Store Raw Veggies Cut Up in Advance?.Buying Cheese and Lunchmeat without Plastic.Different Kinds of Dressings Available in Glass.Buy from Bulk Bins with a Reused Container.Are Glass Jars the Solution to Everything?.Even one reuse is better than throwing away another round of plastic!.A rule that I won’t buy any plastic-packaged groceries just wouldn’t be feasible with the options we have today.